Friday, March 1, 2019

Defenseless Hearts by Meagan Brandy - Review

Defenseless Hearts by Meagan Brandy

After months of silence, here she stands on my front porch, waiting to be let in again. But it's the same play every time, and I know how this ends - I give her all I have and she carries it with her on the way back to him. 

I should turn her away, but I won't. Couldn't do it if I tried. 

Because no matter how many times she pops back up, pulls me in and drags me under, it will never be enough. I'll always want more. 
More of her. 
More for us. 

And she'll always choose him.

Rating 🌟🌟🌟🌟

This book was such an emotional read. I thought this book was going to wreck me! I usually devour books but I had to read this in doses - it was that emotional. I'm not going to lie, there were several times I started questioning if there was going to be a happy ending.  And yet, even at the end there is a twist and my heart is happy for some and breaking for others. Having said that, I would read this again in a heartbeat!!! I think anyone that read Fumbled Hearts has to read this.

After reading Fumbled Hearts, I fell absolutely in love with Parker. He offered Lolli complete support and solace without question. But you could tell he had his own demons he was fighting. What I wasn't expecting was how many demons he had pit against him. Holy cow! Just when I thought there couldn't be anything else this poor guy could have possibly been put through, it just keeps coming.

Parker is finally finding peace and his nightingale has entered his life once again. (Because of the way Meagan Brandy ended Fumbled Hearts I'm not spoiling this even though you find out in the first chapter who she is.) On top of that his family life just got upended. 

From there on Meagan Brandy took my emotions and my hopes on a roller coaster ride. For the first part of the book I was so mad at his nightingale for what she was doing to Parker. Then the secrets start spilling out. S-L-O-W-L-Y!!! This story was like a puzzle with different POV's, flipping from past to present. But that's what this author does best and she is so good at it!

Even though the characters are fictional, the emotions they felt were real. From joy, hope, and redemption to guilt, self doubt, and even grief, everything these characters were feeling is something we have all been through. 

I loved this book and I can't wait to read more from this series. I know that if everyone gets their story, there will probably be more tears in my future! 


  1. This is the only Meagan Brandy book I have left to read!!

  2. This one broke me a little. It was SO good though! She writes fantastic stories.
